What Is A HIFU Facial and Should You Get One?

You might have considered cosmetic procedures and anti-aging treatments in the past. Yet you might have been hesitant about them. With a HIFU facial, you can enjoy the benefits of a cosmetic procedure with minimal downtime.


HIFU, or high-intensity focused ultrasound, is a new, non-invasive facial treatment that is said to be the next big thing in the world of aesthetics.


This revolutionary new treatment offers a multitude of benefits, including a more youthful appearance, a reduction in wrinkles and fine lines, and an overall improvement in the skin's texture and tone.

What is a HIFU facial?

A HIFU facial uses ultrasound waves to target specific areas of the face, neck, and décolletage. The ultrasound waves work to stimulate collagen production and tighten the skin. A HIFU facial is often compared to a traditional facelift because of its ability to provide similar results without surgery or downtime.


The procedure uses ultrasound energy to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and combat facial aging. The ultrasound energy penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the deeper layers of skin tissue. This process causes the skin tissue to heat up and contract. The skin tissue then starts to produce new collagen and elastin which slows down the natural aging process.


HIFU facials can be used to treat a variety of concerns, including wrinkles, sagging skin, and uneven skin tone. The results of a HIFU facial can be seen over time, as the new collagen and elastin help to improve the appearance of wrinkles.


This is a non-surgical treatment that helps increase collagen production, combat loose skin, and reduce facial wrinkles. It can also lift your drooping eyebrows or eyelids and tighten the saggy skin on your neck and chest.

HIFU Facial treatment

What is the procedure for HIFU facials?

The procedure is based on ultrasound technology and begins with the cleansing of the target area on your face. A gel is then applied to facilitate the penetration of the focused ultrasound energy at a deep level.
The technician will use a handheld device that emits ultrasound waves in quick bursts. The device is placed over the skin and directed to the areas that need treatment.


A single session will last about 30 to 90 minutes. You'll receive an injection of numbing medication to ensure your comfort throughout the procedure. The potential discomfort you may experience following this aesthetic treatment can be managed with Advil or Tylenol.


This non-invasive treatment is meant to stimulate the collagen-building process. Following collagen regeneration, patients can notice a significant improvement in their facial wrinkles, aged skin, or dull skin.

Prior to the HIFU facelift, a consultation appointment will usually take place. This will be where you can go over your medical history and your personal expectations. The doctor will also take pictures to determine the best way to perform the HIFU procedure.

If you are dealing with acne breakouts, you will need to take an antibiotic. If you have dealt with cold sores in the past, you may be prescribed antiviral medication.


Following this type of non-surgical facelift, the skin care specialist will instruct you on how to take care of yourself. Typically, you may need to make use of the following tips:



  • Wear SPF sunscreen for weeks after treatment. This is due to the risk of sun damage.
  • Use ice packs to reduce any discomfort or swelling
  • Apply gentle cleanser
  • Avoid wearing your usual makeup for 24 to 48 hours.
beautiful face after treatment

What are the benefits of HIFU?

There are plenty of benefits that you can experience with a HIFU facial. These include but are not limited to the following:



  • Irons out wrinkles
  • Lifts eyebrows, eyelids, and cheeks
  • Improves skin texture and skin elasticity
  • Tightens neck and chest skin
  • Enhances jawline
  • Improves the aspect of photodamaged skin

What are the side effects of HIFU?

While there are no major side effects associated with this treatment, some patients may experience:


  • Redness
  • Numbness
  • Swelling
  • Rash that may be purple in color
  • Bruising

In rare cases, more serious side effects such as burns or nerve damage have been reported. However, most adverse effects have resolved on their own and require no additional treatments.

during facial HIFU treatment

What is the difference between HIFU and surgical facelifts?

While often compared with surgical facelifts in terms of skin lifting and wrinkle improvement, as expected, there are distinct differences between HIFU and facelifts. They include but are not limited to the following:


  • Invasiveness: HIFU is non-invasive while facelifts will require an incision.
  • Recovery time: HIFU requires no recovery time. For traditional facelifts, the recovery time will be 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Potential risk factors: HIFU has low-risk factors. At worst, you can be dealing with swelling and redness. Meanwhile, facelifts can be painful. You can also experience infections, blood clots, and even hair loss.
  • Long-term effects: If you decide to get an ultrasound facial, successive procedures may be needed due to the aging process. Facelifts can last up to a decade.


Even though surgical facelifts have an advantage over how long they may last, they usually come with potential, if not, increased risks. A HIFU facial allows you to play it safe if you're looking to boost natural collagen production, but it is not as effective against severe skin laxity.

Who is a good candidate for HIFU facials?

Even though HIFU is safe and may be an option for all skin types, there are some people who should refrain from undergoing a HIFU facial. You are a viable candidate for HIFU if you are in good health, have realistic expectations, and show early signs of aging. However, it is best to avoid HIFU treatments if:


  • You have a skin infection
  • You have a cold sore breakout
  • You are using or have recently used Accutane
  • You are pregnant
  • You are receiving chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer
  • You are taking anticoagulants
  • You have a history of poor wound healing, hypertrophic scarring, or keloids


If you are dealing with anything from the above, you should hold off on HIFU treatments until further notice from your doctor. The procedure uses ultrasonic technology, which can affect your treatment for cancer or your pregnancy.


If you are dealing with a cold sore breakout, you will need to take antiviral medication. Your doctor will be able to follow up with you before a treatment is done.

woman getting a facial

HIFU facials in Tampa Bay

HIFU facials may be an excellent idea for you, especially if you want to enjoy a more youthful appearance without going under the knife. The technology behind HIFU has been developed to be used for cosmetic purposes and works best for individuals in the early stages of aging.


Make an appointment with our skincare experts at Prime Aesthetica in Tampa and see if you are a good candidate for a HIFU facial. A consultation is essential before undergoing the procedure.


Talk to our specialists in Tampa, and together you can decide on the best cosmetic treatment for you. Since we are talking about your appearance and health, you want your HIFU facial to be performed by licensed technicians. Prime Aesthetica takes pride in its skin care experts and ensures flawless results in the shortest amount of time.