The Truth about Laser Stretch Mark Removal

Stretch marks are markings that can occur on the body during periods of rapid growth, such as puberty or pregnancy, but they can also appear due to weight loss, sudden weight gain, aging, or even genetics. This skin condition is caused by the tearing of the dermis. Stretch marks can be embarrassing and unsightly, but laser technology can help reduce their appearance and promote healthier skin.


Stretch marks are common, affecting up to 90% of women during pregnancy. They can also occur in men and adolescents. While stretch marks do not pose any danger to our health, many are constantly looking for ways to prevent their appearance and the best treatment options. 

Stretch Mark

The stages of stretch marks

Stretch marks are thin lines that can appear on the skin, typically around the stomach, thighs, and breasts. They are often the result of rapid weight gain or loss and can be difficult to get rid of. Stretch marks are caused when the skin is stretched too much and tears. The collagen in the skin is broken, and the elastin is damaged. This results in skin scarring.


Stretch marks start as red lines, and evolve, turning purple and white. The red stage is the earliest stage. The red stretch marks occur when the skin is stretched rapidly, such as during pregnancy. At this stage, they are often itchy and irritated.


The purple stage is when the stretch marks become more visible and take on a purple or blue color. The purple stretch marks are older and appear when the connective tissue beneath the skin tears. This is often the most difficult stage to deal with, as they are very noticeable.

The white stage is the final stage of stretch marks. They are now white or silver. The white stretch marks are the most mature and a consequence of the breakdown of collagen fibers. They are not as visible as the other stages, but can still be difficult to tolerate.

The laser stretch mark removal technique

While there is no surefire way to prevent stretch marks from appearing and no stretch mark removal treatments with permanent results, laser stretch mark removal can be a great way to reduce their appearance and improve your skin health.


Laser stretch mark treatments use laser energy to break down the scar tissue that makes up stretch marks and stimulate the production of collagen and elastin. The laser light also helps to increase the blood flow to the area, which contributes to less visible stretch marks. Stretch marks are exposed to either ablative or non-ablative lasers.

laser stretch mark removal

The first type of laser treatment is used to remove the upper layer of skin and stimulate new collagen growth in the dermal layer. However, ablative lasers can also cause side effects, such as redness, swelling, and bruising. Non-ablative lasers use the laser beam to heat the dermis and boost collagen production and the appearance of new skin cells. This type of laser is an effective treatment for stretch mark removal because it accelerates the skin's natural healing process and has fewer side effects.


Laser stretch mark removal can help accelerate collagen and elastin production and improve the appearance of all three types of stretch marks. The production of new collagen materializes in smoother and more elastic skin. While this cosmetic treatment has proved to be very effective against stretch marks, it is important to remember that is not a cure for stretch marks. For the best results, this advanced treatment option is often paired with other treatments for stretch mark removal, such as microdermabrasion or laser skin resurfacing.

Is laser stretch mark removal painful?

If you're considering laser stretch mark removal, you'll want to know what to expect during the procedure. During the initial consultation, the health care professional providing the treatment plan will assess your health and stretch marks and establish the number of necessary treatment sessions or series of treatments. In most cases, 4-6 treatment sessions are needed for optimal results.


During the actual procedure, the laser technician will clean the treatment area and apply topical numbing cream. Then they will use the laser to target the stretch marks. The pulses of light will cause the tissues beneath the stretch marks to heat up and remodel.

laser procedure

Laser stretch mark removal is a non-invasive, FDA-approved procedure. There is usually little to no pain associated with the treatment. Most people report feeling a mild warming sensation when exposed to the concentrated rays of light. Since this is an outpatient procedure with little to no downtime, you can return to your normal activities as soon as you leave the doctor's office.


After the procedure, you can expect some temporary redness, swelling, and blistering in the treatment area. These side effects are temporary and will resolve on their own within a few days. You may also experience some crusting in the treatment area, which your laser technician will remove before you leave the office.


It's important to follow your laser technician's post-treatment instructions to ensure the best possible results and minimize the risk of side effects. Most people see a significant improvement in the appearance of their stretch marks after 2-4 sessions.

The risks of laser stretch mark removal

Laser stretch mark removal is a safe and effective way to improve the appearance of stretch marks and enjoy smoother, better-looking skin. However, like any laser procedure, there are some risks associated with this type of treatment of stretch marks.

risks of laser stretch mark

The most common side effect is skin irritation. This can include redness, swelling, and blistering in the treatment area. These side effects are usually mild and resolve on their own within a few days. There is also a risk of burns, scars, and changes in skin pigmentation. These side effects are rare and usually occur when the laser is used incorrectly. Make sure to choose a laser technician who is experienced and certified in laser stretch mark removal to minimize the risk of any adverse side effects.


The results of laser stretch mark removal are not permanent. While the treatment can reduce the appearance of stretch marks, it is not a guaranteed solution. In some cases, laser stretch mark removal may cause scarring or skin discoloration. 

Am I a good candidate for laser stretch mark removal?

Laser stretch mark removal is a cosmetic procedure that can be performed by a dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Most people are good candidates for stretch mark removal. However,  these types of laser treatments are most effective on newer, red, or purple stretch marks, and work best on people with lighter skin tones. In some cases, people with darker skin tones may experience some hyperpigmentation after the procedure.


Laser stretch mark removal is not recommended for pregnant women or people who are breastfeeding. Additionally, people who have active acne or other skin conditions should not consider undergoing this type of treatment because the laser can further irritate the skin and make the condition worse. The same applies to people who have had surgery recently as the laser could interfere with the healing process.

who can be a candidate for laser stretch mark removal

Final thoughts

Stretch mark removal has become a popular treatment for these types of skin scars in recent years. A study by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that 92 percent of laser stretch mark removal patients were satisfied with the results of their treatment. This high level of patient satisfaction is likely due to the laser's ability to penetrate deep into the skin and remove the marks without damaging the surrounding tissue. However, since laser stretch mark removal is not a permanent solution, it is essential to maintain a healthy weight to prevent new stretch marks from appearing. 

Laser Stretch Mark Removal in Tampa

Stretch marks can make us feel self-conscious, but they are easy and safe to remove. For the best stretch mark removal treatments in Tampa Bay, come to Prime Aesthetica. Our team of experienced professionals leverage the latest in laser technology to deliver outstanding results for our clients. If you are in the Tampa area, contact us today to get started.