Closeup View of Female Buttocks Marked for Plastic Operation, on Gray Background

Enhance Your Feminine Curves and Love Your Body


At Prime Aesthetica, we understand the desire for an attractive and well-proportioned body that exudes confidence and allure. If you're looking to enhance your natural curves and achieve the enviable silhouette you've always dreamed of, our renowned medical spa in Tampa is ready to be there for you every step of the way. 


We take immense pride in being the go-to destination for individuals looking to undergo a Brazilian Butt Lift in Tampa. Our exceptional track record of stunning outcomes and our commitment to delivering a personalized and luxurious experience sets us apart as trusted leaders in the field.

What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)


Picture yourself with shapely, round buttocks that perfectly complement your overall physique. The Brazilian Butt Lift, or BBL, is a transformative procedure designed to do just that. Unlike traditional butt augmentation methods, which rely on implants, this cosmetic procedure utilizes your body's natural fat to sculpt and reshape your buttocks and create sexy curves. 


By combining advanced liposuction techniques with precise fat transfer, our skilled medical professionals can enhance your curves while also slimming down other areas, creating a harmonious figure.

Person in Underwear with Brazilian Butt Lift

BBL in Tampa - What You Need to Know About the Procedure


We begin with a thorough evaluation of your unique physique, aesthetic goals, and medical history. This crucial step allows our skilled medical professionals in Tampa to develop a customized treatment plan tailored specifically to you. We take the time to understand your desires, ensuring that the results align with your vision.


During the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure, you will go under general anesthesia and not feel any pain. If you're receiving a small amount of fat, you may only need local anesthesia. The BBL surgery involves 3 steps:


  • Liposuction: To commence the BBL procedure, our experienced staff utilizes advanced liposuction techniques to sculpt your body into its ideal form. This step involves fat removal from predetermined donor areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks using a suction device called a cannula. 
  • Fat Processing and Purification: The harvested fat is then meticulously processed and purified to ensure optimal quality and longevity. Our medical spa in Tampa Bay utilizes sophisticated techniques to separate impurities and excess fluids from the fat cells, enhancing their survival rate. 
  • Precise Fat Transfer Procedure: Now comes the transformative step that sets the BBL apart from other procedures. Our skilled medical professionals in Tampa utilize their expertise and artistic eye to strategically inject the purified fat into your buttocks, sculpting them to achieve your desired shape and volume. 
Young Woman with Beautiful Buttocks. Rear View of a Perfect Fem

The Benefits of BBL in Tampa


The Brazilian Butt Lift delivers breathtaking results that not only enhance your backside but also look and feel natural. By utilizing your body's own fat, the BBL procedure avoids the need for implants, reducing the risk of complications and providing results that seamlessly blend with your existing contours. Here are some of the most important BBL benefits:


  • Natural results: BBL utilizes your body's own fat to enhance your buttocks, resulting in a more natural look and feel compared to buttock implants, which can sometimes appear and feel less natural.
  • Avoids risks associated with implants: BBL eliminates the potential risks associated with implants, such as implant malposition, implant rupture, and the need for future implant revisions.
  • Reduced risk of complications: Since BBL uses your body's own fat, there is a reduced risk of complications such as infection and implant rejection that can occur with butt implants.
  • Simultaneous body contouring: BBL not only enhances your buttocks but also allows for simultaneous body contouring by removing excess fat from other areas of your body. This creates a more harmonious and proportionate figure.
  • Enhanced curves and body proportions: BBL can provide enhanced curves, create a more defined waistline, and improve overall body proportions. Butt implants may only provide volume to the buttocks without addressing other areas of concern.

How Long Do the Brazilian Butt Lift Results Last


The Brazilian Butt Lift surgery allows for a more customizable outcome as your own fat can be strategically injected to achieve the desired shape and volume, resulting in a personalized and natural-looking result.


The longevity of your BBL results depends on several factors, including your body's natural response to the procedure and your commitment to maintaining a stable weight and a healthy lifestyle. However, the results usually last several years without any follow-up appointments.


To maintain the results of your BBL, it is essential to avoid weight gain. Significant weight fluctuations can impact the appearance and longevity of your enhanced buttocks.  It's important to note that as you age, natural changes in your body can affect the appearance of your buttocks, including the transferred fat. While the overall improvement from a BBL is long-lasting, the natural aging process may cause subtle changes over time.

Ass of Tanned Girl in Swimsuit with a Straw Hat by Sea on the Beach

Post-Procedure Care for BLL in Tampa


Our dedicated team in Tampa will provide you with detailed instructions and guidance to support your BBL journey. Here are some key components of our aftercare protocol:


  • Compression Garments: Following your BBL procedure, we will provide you with specialized compression garments. These garments are designed to minimize swelling, provide support to the newly enhanced buttocks, and promote proper healing. 
  • Avoid Sitting Directly on the Buttocks: To protect the newly transferred fat cells, it is essential to avoid sitting or lying directly on your buttocks for at least two weeks after the procedure. Instead, we recommend using a specially designed cushion or pillow to distribute your weight evenly and alleviate pressure on the treated area.
  • Gentle Movement and Physical Activity: While it is important to avoid strenuous activities during the initial stages of recovery, walking and light activity are encouraged to promote circulation and prevent blood clots. 
  • Medication and Pain Management: Our team will prescribe appropriate pain medication and provide detailed instructions on how to manage any discomfort you may experience during the recovery process. 
  • Proper Hygiene and Incision Care: We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your incisions and maintain proper hygiene during the recovery period. This may include gentle cleansing techniques, the application of prescribed ointments or creams, and guidance on avoiding activities that may compromise the healing process.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: We will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, assess your healing, and address any concerns or questions you may have. 
Closeup Beautiful Woman Body In Shape With Firm Butt In Bikini



Am I a good Brazilian Butt Lift candidate?

During a personalized Brazilian Butt Lift consultation, our skilled medical professionals will assess your unique circumstances and evaluate whether a Brazilian Butt Lift is suitable for you. They will consider your body composition, and aesthetic goals, and discuss any concerns or questions you may have.


Ideal candidates for a Brazilian Butt Lift are individuals who:


  • Desire more shapely and well-proportioned buttocks.
  • Have sufficient excess fat in donor areas, such as the abdomen, thighs, or flanks.
  • Have good skin elasticity.
  • Are in good overall health and do not have any medical conditions that may interfere with the healing process.
  • Are committed to maintaining a stable weight and living a healthy lifestyle.

What is the recovery time after a BBL?


During the first few days after your buttock-enhancing treatment, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the treated areas. This is a normal part of the healing process. Our medical professionals will provide you with prescribed pain medication to manage any discomfort experienced during the Brazilian Butt Lift recovery period.


To ensure optimal healing, it is crucial to avoid sitting or lying directly on your buttocks for at least two weeks after the procedure. Following your BBL, we will provide you with specialized compression garments to wear. 


While the initial recovery period typically lasts two to three weeks, full recovery can take several months. It's important to note that individual healing times may vary, and it may take up to six months for the final results to become fully apparent.


What risks and complications are associated with BBL?


Although we take strict measures to maintain a sterile environment, there is always a slight risk of infection following any surgical procedure. We provide detailed post-operative instructions to minimize this risk and closely monitor your healing process.


While uncommon, excessive bleeding can occur during or after the BBL procedure. Fat embolism is a rare but serious complication that can arise when fat enters the bloodstream and travels to other parts of the body.


It's also possible to experience temporary or permanent changes in sensation around the treated areas. This can include numbness, tingling, or altered sensitivity. In most cases, these changes resolve over time, but it's important to discuss any concerns with our medical professionals during your consultation.