woman after a Facial Fat Graft treatment

Restore, Lift, and Rejuvenate: The Magic of Facial Fat Grafting


At Prime Aesthetica, we understand that your face is a reflection of your unique beauty and personal story. Over time, the natural aging process can take its toll, leading to the loss of volume, sagging skin, and a tired appearance. But fret not, for we have the solution that will revolutionize your skincare routine and restore your radiance from within.

What Is Facial Fat Grafting


Gone are the days of temporary fixes and synthetic fillers. Embrace the power of your own body as we gently harvest your own fat from a donor area, such as the abdomen or thighs, and skillfully inject it into strategic points on your face. Facial fat grafting, a cutting-edge cosmetic procedure, offers you a natural and long-lasting solution to reverse the signs of aging. This process replenishes lost volume, lifts sagging skin, and smooths out wrinkles, leaving you with a refreshed and youthful visage.


Also known as fat transfer or fat injection, this technique involves carefully removing excess fat from one area of your body, such as the abdomen or thighs, and strategically injecting it into specific areas of your face. By utilizing your body's natural resources, facial fat grafting delivers results that are not only natural-looking but also long-lasting.

woman receiving her Facial Fat Graft treatment

The Facial Fat Transfer Procedure in Tampa


The process of facial fat transfer begins with a detailed consultation with our expert team of plastic surgeons in Tampa. They will assess your unique facial structure, identify areas that require volume restoration, and create a customized facial fat transfer treatment plan tailored to your individual needs.


During facial fat rejuvenation, our skilled surgeons use gentle liposuction techniques to harvest excess fat from a donor site on your body. This fatty tissue is carefully processed to purify and prepare it for reinjection. The purified fat is then meticulously injected into specific areas of your face that have lost volume or exhibit signs of aging. This precise technique ensures that the fat graft integrates seamlessly into your facial tissues, creating a natural and youthful appearance.

woman seeing the results of her face after her Facial Fat Grafting treatment

Facial Areas Enhanced Using Facial Fat Grafting in Tampa


Facial fat grafting is a versatile and powerful facial rejuvenation procedure that can be used to enhance various regions of the face, delivering facial volume and a natural appearance. Our experienced team in Tampa can utilize this facial treatment to address a range of concerns and help you achieve your desired aesthetic goals. The areas where facial fat grafting can be used include:


  • Cheeks and Midface: Facial fat grafting can combat volume loss in cheeks, creating a fuller and more youthful appearance. By precisely injecting your own fat into this area, we can enhance your cheekbones, restore youthful contours, and achieve a balanced and harmonious facial structure.
  • Temples: As we age, the temples can lose volume, leading to a hollowed and aged look. Facial fat grafting can address this concern by adding volume and fullness to the temples, rejuvenating your entire face, and creating a more balanced profile.
  • Under-Eye Hollows: Dark circles and under-eye hollows can give the appearance of fatigue and age. By carefully injecting fat into this delicate area, facial fat grafting can fill in the hollows, improving the texture and smoothness of the skin, and creating a refreshed and rejuvenated look.
  • Lips: Thin and deflated lips can be revitalized with facial fat grafting. By injecting your own fat into the lips, we can achieve lip augmentation, enhance definition, and deliver a natural-looking and luscious pout, tailored to your individual preferences
  • Nasolabial Folds and Marionette Lines: These lines and folds that extend from the nose to the mouth and from the mouth to the chin can be softened and diminished with facial fat augmentation. By adding volume to these areas, we can restore a more youthful and smoother appearance, reducing the prominence of these lines.
  • Jawline and Chin: Facial fat grafting can help redefine the jawline and enhance the contour of the chin. By strategically injecting fat along the jawline and chin, we can create a more defined and sculpted lower face, improving overall facial balance and symmetry.

Advantages of Facial Fat Grafting Over Temporary Solutions 


Facial fat grafting offers remarkable advantages over temporary solutions and synthetic fillers, making it the superior choice for achieving long-lasting and natural-looking results.


  • Longevity: Unlike temporary solutions that require frequent maintenance and touch-ups, facial fat grafting provides enduring results. The grafted fat becomes a permanent part of your face, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your rejuvenated appearance for years to come. 
  • Natural and Authentic: Facial fat grafting utilizes your body's own fat tissue, ensuring a harmonious and authentic outcome. Synthetic fillers, on the other hand, may sometimes produce an unnatural or "overdone" appearance. 
  • Reduced Risk of Allergic Reactions: Since facial fat grafting utilizes your own fat tissue, there is virtually no risk of allergic reactions or rejection. Synthetic fillers may carry a small risk of adverse reactions, particularly for individuals with sensitivities or allergies. 
  • Dual Benefits: Facial fat grafting not only enhances your facial appearance but also offers a dual benefit by contouring and sculpting the donor site from where the fat is harvested. This means you can achieve a more balanced and proportionate physique while enhancing your facial features. 
  • Natural Texture and Feel: The grafted adipose tissue in facial fat grafting provides a natural texture and feel to your skin. Unlike synthetic fillers that may sometimes feel stiff or unnatural, the injected fat integrates with your tissues seamlessly, resulting in a soft and natural sensation. 

Post-Procedure Care for BLL in Tampa


Our dedicated team in Tampa will provide you with detailed instructions and guidance to support your BBL journey. Here are some key components of our aftercare protocol:


  • Compression Garments: Following your BBL procedure, we will provide you with specialized compression garments. These garments are designed to minimize swelling, provide support to the newly enhanced buttocks, and promote proper healing. 
  • Avoid Sitting Directly on the Buttocks: To protect the newly transferred fat cells, it is essential to avoid sitting or lying directly on your buttocks for at least two weeks after the procedure. Instead, we recommend using a specially designed cushion or pillow to distribute your weight evenly and alleviate pressure on the treated area.
  • Gentle Movement and Physical Activity: While it is important to avoid strenuous activities during the initial stages of recovery, walking and light activity are encouraged to promote circulation and prevent blood clots. 
  • Medication and Pain Management: Our team will prescribe appropriate pain medication and provide detailed instructions on how to manage any discomfort you may experience during the recovery process. 
  • Proper Hygiene and Incision Care: We will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your incisions and maintain proper hygiene during the recovery period. This may include gentle cleansing techniques, the application of prescribed ointments or creams, and guidance on avoiding activities that may compromise the healing process.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: We will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress, assess your healing, and address any concerns or questions you may have. 



Is facial fat grafting a safe procedure


Yes, facial fat grafting is a safe and well-established procedure when performed by experienced and qualified professionals. Our renowned medical spa in Tampa takes patient safety as the highest priority, ensuring that you receive the best care throughout your journey.


During your comprehensive consultation, our skilled surgeons will thoroughly evaluate your medical history and assess your suitability for the procedure. This personalized approach allows us to identify any potential risks or contraindications, ensuring your safety and providing you with peace of mind.

How long does the recovery process take?


The recovery period after facial fat grafting can vary from individual to individual. At our renowned medical spa in Tampa, we provide comprehensive post-operative instructions and support to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results.


In the initial days following the procedure, it is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. These effects gradually subside within a few weeks as your body adjusts and the healing process takes place. Most patients are able to resume their normal activities within 1 to 2 weeks following facial fat grafting. 


Is facial fat grafting permanent?


Yes, the facial fat grafting procedure provides long-lasting and permanent results. Unlike temporary solutions such as synthetic fillers, facial fat grafting utilizes your body's own fat cells, which integrate with your existing facial tissues and become a natural part of your face.


While a small percentage of the transferred fat may be naturally reabsorbed by the body in the months following the procedure, the majority of the grafted fat remains in place permanently. The permanence of facial fat grafting sets it apart from temporary solutions that require frequent touch-ups and maintenance appointments.