Young Woman with Beautiful Breast on White Background

Unveiling a Natural Alternative: Breast Augmentation with Your Own Fat


In recent years, fat transfer breast augmentation has been gaining immense popularity among individuals seeking a safe and natural alternative to traditional breast implants. This innovative procedure harnesses the power of your own excess fat to enhance and sculpt your breasts and provide a natural appearance and feel.


At Prime Aesthetica in Tampa Bay, we take great pride in our team of board-certified plastic surgeons and experienced aesthetic professionals. With their extensive knowledge and refined expertise in breast augmentation with fat transfer, you can trust that you are in the most capable hands. 

What Is Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer


Breast augmentation with fat transfer is a revolutionary procedure that allows you to enhance the size and shape of your breasts using your body's own excess fat, obtained through gentle liposuction. Unlike traditional breast augmentation with implants, this technique offers a natural alternative that beautifully enhances your curves while maintaining a soft and authentic look and feel.

Young Woman with Marks on Breast for Cosmetic Surgery Operation

What to Expect During the Surgical Procedure


Our skilled plastic surgeons in Tampa begin the procedure by using advanced liposuction techniques to gently extract excess fat from areas of your body where it is unwanted, such as the abdomen, thighs, or hips. This process not only allows you to enhance your breast size but also provides the added benefit of slimming and contouring those areas, giving you a more balanced and harmonious figure.


Once the fat is carefully harvested, it undergoes a meticulous purification process to ensure the highest quality grafts for transplantation. The purified fat tissue is then strategically injected into your breasts, sculpting and augmenting them to achieve your desired size and shape. 


The fat used in the procedure is obtained through gentle liposuction, which minimizes discomfort and scarring. This fat is rich in stem cells, which can promote healing and enhance the overall quality and texture of your breast tissue. Additionally, the harvested fat cells establish a permanent blood supply within your breasts, allowing them to thrive and maintain their shape for years to come.

Young Woman Measuring Her Breast on White Background

Benefits of Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer in Tampa


What makes breast augmentation with fat transfer in Tampa truly exceptional is the use of your own excess fat as the enhancement material. By utilizing your body's own resources, we can achieve results that not only look incredibly natural but also eliminate the concerns associated with traditional breast implants, such as implant rupture, visible edges, or the need for future implant replacement.



  • Natural-looking and feeling results: Breast augmentation with fat transfer provides natural results that blend seamlessly with your body. The use of your own fat ensures a soft and authentic look and feel, enhancing your breasts in a way that complements your unique features.
  • Minimal scarring: Compared to traditional breast implants, the incisions made for fat transfer procedures are minimal. These tiny incisions result in less noticeable scars, allowing you to confidently showcase your enhanced breasts without worrying about conspicuous marks.
  • Reduced risk of complications: Since this type of breast augmentation procedure utilizes your own fat, potential risks such as implant rupture, implant rejection, or capsular contracture are significantly reduced. This offers peace of mind and eliminates the need for future implant replacements or maintenance.
  • Dual benefits of liposuction: Breast augmentation with fat transfer not only enhances your breasts but also allows for targeted fat reduction in other areas of your body. This means that in addition to achieving your desired breast shape and size, you can also enjoy the added benefit of contouring and slimming troublesome areas, creating a more balanced overall figure.
  • Long-lasting results: The transplanted fat cells establish a permanent blood supply within your breasts, ensuring that the results of your breast augmentation are long-lasting. With proper post-operative care, the enhanced shape and size of your breasts can be enjoyed for years to come.


The Recovery Period for a Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Procedure in Tampa


Our experienced team of professionals in Tampa will provide you with a personalized recovery plan tailored to your specific needs. We will guide you through each step of the recovery process, ensuring that you have all the information and support necessary to achieve a successful and comfortable recovery.


Compared to traditional breast augmentation surgeries, the recovery period for natural breast augmentation is typically shorter. While individual recovery experiences may vary, most patients can expect to return to their normal daily activities within a few days to a week after the procedure. 


It is important to note that your body will continue to heal and settle into its final results over time. Complete recovery and the final appearance of your enhanced breasts may take several weeks or even a few months.

Doctor Checking Woman's Breast at Hospital, Closeup



Is breast augmentation with fat transfer a safe procedure?


Absolutely. Breast augmentation with fat transfer is a safe procedure when performed by experienced and skilled professionals. At Prime Aesthetica in Tampa Bay, we prioritize your safety and well-being, and our team of board-certified plastic surgeons and aesthetic professionals have the expertise and knowledge to ensure a safe and successful procedure.


Will there be any post-operative discomfort following the cosmetic procedure?


It is common to experience some mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated areas following the procedure. However, these effects are temporary and can be managed with prescribed pain medication and proper post-operative care. Our team will provide you with detailed instructions on how to minimize discomfort and promote a smooth healing process.


Will there be any post-operative discomfort following the cosmetic procedure?


The incisions made for fat transfer breast augmentation are typically small and strategically placed, resulting in minimal scarring. Our skilled surgeons employ advanced techniques to minimize scarring and promote optimal healing. You can expect any scars to fade over time and become less noticeable.

Can I combine breast augmentation with fat transfer with additional procedures? 


Yes, breast procedures can be combined with other procedures to address your specific aesthetic goals. During your consultation at Prime Aesthetica in Tampa, our experts will discuss your desired outcomes and recommend the most suitable treatment plan to achieve your desired results. Some commonly combined procedures favored by women undergoing an increase in breast size procedure include breast lifts, liposuction, tummy tuck, facial rejuvenation, and body contouring.

Who is an ideal candidate for breast augmentation with fat transfer?

If you desire a natural-looking enhancement to your cup size and shape, the natural breast augmentation procedure with fat transfer is an ideal option. The ideal candidates have:


  • sufficient donor fat available in other areas of your body
  • good overall health, both physically and mentally
  • realistic expectations about the results of your procedure
  • commitment to post-operative care and following our team's instructions