About 30% of people in the U.S. have at least one tattoo, but how many regret their decision? Surveys say that at least 25% of them have unwanted tattoos they would love to have removed! The good news is tattoo removal doesn't have to be a long  process anymore. Laser tattoo removal techniques can greatly diminish the appearance of a tattoo or even remove it altogether.


How does laser tattoo removal work?


The laser tattoo removal treatment uses a high-energy light beam to break up tattoo pigment colors. The ink pigment is divided into microscopic fragments to make it easier for the body to remove them. Black tattoo pigment particles respond better to laser light because dark tattoo pigments absorb all laser wavelengths. Other ink colors may react only to specific lasers based on the pigment color.


We use the Cynosure Medlite C6 laser, the latest version of one of the most popular and effective Medlite lasers. Our laser is equipped with four different wavelengths (532, 585, 650, and 1064 nanometers) to better treat your skin and remove both black tattoos and a wide variety of other tattoo colors. 

 laser tattoo removal

What can I expect during the procedure?


The procedure of laser tattoo removal starts with an initial consultation. The health care provider performing the laser session will evaluate your tattoo. They will base their treatment decision on the age of the tattoo, as well as its size and the colors of tattoo ink. Your skin color and the depth of the tattoo pigment will also play a part in determining the number of laser removal sessions needed.


During the laser procedure, the technician will give you a pair of protective eye shields and then test your skin's reaction to the laser. They will establish the correct laser wavelength and energy for effective treatment and start passing pulses of high-intensity light through the outer layers of your skin. Since the tattoo pigment will absorb the light, the laser will not affect the surrounding skin.


The duration of the laser procedure depends on the size of the tattoo. Smaller tattoos need fewer pulses than larger ones, but a single session is never enough. However, after each session, the tattoo should become lighter. One treatment session with MedLite C6 should take less than 15 minutes with minimal downtime required.

after tattoo removal

Is laser tattoo removal painful?


The MedLite C6 laser uses PhotoAcoustic energy to treat different skin types. PhotoAcoustic energy targets the ink particles and divides them into minuscule fragments the body will eliminate naturally. Most patients who decide to use a laser for tattoo removal do not need anesthesia during the procedure.


Patients will feel quick pulses resembling the sensation of tingling or a rubber band snapping against their skin. While not entirely painless, patients report that the laser procedure is less painful than getting a tattoo. Furthermore, the specialist performing the laser treatments might use a topical anesthetic prior to treatment to cool the area and reduce discomfort to a minimum.


How many treatment sessions do I need?


The number of laser sessions depends on the age, size, location, and ink colors of the tattoo. Since most tattoos include more than one color and use green pigment or blue pigment, the specialist needs to use different wavelengths for different lengths of time to fragment the ink pigments. Multiple sessions are necessary to avoid burns and the risk of scarring caused by the heat directed at your skin.


The energy density has to vary because tattoo pigment is usually deposited at different depths, and the laser removal specialist needs to make sure the light reaches all the ink. The body should remove the ink particles in about 6 weeks. Patients looking to achieve the best results or even complete removal need between 10 to 15 treatment sessions spaced 4 to 6 weeks apart. The tattoo will become progressively lighter and in some cases, will be removed completely.

PAINLESS Tattoo Laser Removal Treatment- Medlite C6


The C6 is the latest version of one of the most popular and effective Medlite lasers.

The C6 is different from other lasers due to the ability to use any one of four different wavelengths (532, 585, 650 and 1064 nanometers) to better treat the skin.

MedLite C6 for skin rejuvenation and scar reduction


The same laser technology used for tattoo removal has proved to be very effective against wrinkles and different types of scarring. The use of PhotoAcoustic energy on your skin increases collagen production. Increased levels of collagen reduce the appearance of wrinkles and successfully treat acne scars. Furthermore, the laser procedure diminishes the amount of sebum produced by your skin proving to be a reliable ally in treating active acne. For optimal results and visible skin rejuvenation, patients need 4 to 6 laser sessions.


Do laser treatments hurt?


The MedLite C6 laser uses PhotoAcoustic energy to target the skin. The procedure is very comfortable. Patients will feel the pulses as quick tingling sensations. Physician may use a topical anesthetic prior to treatment to cool the area being treated.

Skin Rejuvenation & Wrinkle/Scar Reduction


The MedLite C6 uses PhotoAcoustic energy to gently  stimulate the collagen fibers. Results are best after 4-6 sessions.

The MedLite C6 is clinically proven to reduce wrinkles &   acne scarring. These lasers are also helpful in treating active acne by reducing sebum production.


Can I go back to normal activities or work immediately after treatment?


Yes, you can carry on with normal activities after your laser procedure. Treatment with a MedLite C6 should take less than 15 minutes … with no downtime .


Can lasers erase all tattoos?


The MedLite C6 represents state-of-the-art technology and is considered the gold standard for single and multi-color tattoo removal.

The PhotoAcoustic energy works to gently fragment the tattoo ink into tiny micro-particles that are gradually eliminated by the body's natural process.


How long will it take to remove my tattoo with a laser?


Depending on the size of the tattoo, the amount of colors and the type of ink, you will likely need 10 to 15 sessions.




Following the treatment, your health care provider will give you an ice pack to apply to the treated area. The patient is free to return to their normal activities immediately after the laser procedure. You will have to use an antibiotic cream or ointment to soothe the area. The tattoo needs to be bandaged for protection, and sunscreen should be applied to the treated area.


Immediately after the procedure, you will notice redness. Small blisters may appear after 48 hours. The skin will start peeling a few days later. Complete recovery is to be expected to last from 1 to 2 weeks, depending on your tattoo size and location. However, the recovery is painless.